Summer Newsletter — 2014

Announcements & Reminders:

The swimming lake is open for all of us to enjoy! Here are a few reminders to make the summer safer and more fun for all of us:

  • Safety equipment is located in the shed which is opened on a daily basis. The shed contains required life saving equipment FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY!
  • For safety reasons please do not leave your beach chairs, rafts and tubes at the lake. The sand toy bin is for everyone to enjoy. Please clean up the toys when you are done.
  • The lake is tested for bacteria every week. Results are posted in a binder located in the shed. Please remember to keep small children in swim diapers.
  • Please observe all posted safety rules and regulations for the lake:
    • No Lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk
    • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
    • Do not litter. Please keep our beach clean
    • No glass on beach or play area
    • No dogs on the beach (Ord. N.J.A.C. 8:26)

Please welcome our new family:  The Collins Family, 34 Thunderhead Drive

The township has completed brush and leaf pick up until the Fall. Please do not place brush or leafs out for pick up or in open space.

Are you interested in getting more involved in Shawnee Country? The Shawnee Country Open Space Association has a Board of Trustees that oversee the association. The Board meets monthly to discuss topics such as open space maintenance, lake issues, budget updates and/or development improvements. Board members are expected to take on specific roles, tasks and duties throughout the year. In addition to the Board positions there is also a Lake Committee that is looking for members. This committee helps maintain the swimming and fishing lakes.

If you are interested in becoming more involved and would like more information on the roles and responsibilities of Board members or the Lake Committee please contact the Board at [email protected].


The Annual Block Party & Fishing Derby is scheduled for Saturday, September 6th. Watch for more information to come via email later this summer!


The SCOSA Board of Trustees — [email protected]