All posts by David Bennis

Shawnee Country Swimming Lake Area Closed

Shawnee Country Residents,

We hope all our neighbors are doing well and staying safe and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are very thankful for our friends and neighbors who are medical professionals and first responders that are on the front lines.

Similar to the Medford Township notifications, please note Shawnee Country recreational and open space areas will remain open for passive use that does not result in group gatherings. The playground equipment and picnic tables are closed as they are not being disinfected.

Stay safe & healthy,
Shawnee Country Board of Trustees

Shawnee Country Open Space Association Spring Newsletter

It is so nice that spring has arrived!!  Here are just a few announcements and reminders.


      • Did you know that April and May are high risk months for forest fires?  Here are a few fire safety tips from the NJ Forest Fire Service.  They recommend clearing at least 30 feet of space around home and structures, keep areas around electrical boxes free from leaves, maintain sensible fires in fire pits and practice safe grilling techniques.  For more information go to the following website:  
      • The township started Zone 3 brush collection on Monday, April 1st.  Please take advantage of this service to clean up brush.  Do not dump brush into open space.  More information regarding brush collection can be found at
      • Our Annual Clean-up weekend is May 4th and 5th.  We are asking for volunteers to help clean-up the open space area around the lakes.  More information to come. 
      • Reminder to all dog owners:  Please respect our open space and your neighbors by picking up after your dog.  Per Chapter 66 of the Medford Township Administrative Code, dog owners are required to remove their pet’s waste by placing it in a suitable bag and depositing it in the trash.

      • Reminder:  SCOSA Annual Dues were due on or before March 31st.   Payments can be mailed to SCOSA, P.O. Box 404, Medford, NJ 08055.
Shawnee Country Board of Trustees

2017 Shawnee Country Fishing Derby

at the Lake  on Saturday, October 21st   4-6pm

Come join your neighbors and have some fun!  Shawnee Country children and grandchildren are welcome to participate!

If you plan to participate in the fishing derby arrive by 4pm (poles in by 4:15).

Remember to bring your fishing gear and bait.  Extra rods are available if needed.

Prizes will be awarded for:
  • Biggest fish
  • First fish landed
  •  Most fish
  • Smallest fish

Refreshments will be provided!  Feel free to bring an appetizer or snack to share. BYOB

We hope to see you there!!!

If you have any questions please contact [email protected].

Shawnee Country Board of Trustees

Fall Newsletter – 2015

Shawnee Country Open Space Association

Announcements & Reminders:

–  The additional township Brush Collection for Shawnee Country is complete for 2015.  If you have additional brush you may bring it to the DPW yard.  Refer to the township website for more information.

–  Fall Leaf Collection will begin in November by township zone.  Leaves may only be placed roadside 7 days prior to a scheduled and announced collection.  Shawnee Country is Zone 3.

–  The SCOSA Membership Directory has been updated.  If you did not receive a copy please email the board at[email protected].

–  Please welcome our new families:

  • The Hunter Family, 2 Silver Cloud
  • The Lyman Family, 40 Tee Pee Court
  • The Taylor Family, 11 Copper Crow Bend

–  Are you interested in getting more involved in Shawnee Country?  The Shawnee Country Open Space Association has a volunteer Board of Trustees that oversee the association.  The Board meets monthly to discuss topics such as open space maintenance, lake issues, budget updates and/or development improvements.  Board members are expected to take on specific roles, tasks and duties throughout the year.  In addition to the Board positions there is also a Lake Committee that is looking for members.  This committee helps maintain the swimming and fishing lakes.  If you are interested in becoming more involved and would like more information on the roles and responsibilities of Board members or the Lake Committee please contact the Board at [email protected].

–  The Annual SCOSA General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 11th at 7:30PM at Ott’s on Stokes Road in Medford.  All residents are encouraged to attend.  A reminder will be sent in early November.



–  Despite the weather, the Annual Block Party/Fishing Derby was a lot of fun!  Thanks to all the residents who came out to enjoy time with your neighbors!


The SCOSA Board of Trustees — [email protected]
Check us out on the web at:
Like us on Facebook:


Spring News Letter – 2015

Shawnee Country Open Space Association

Important Reminders:

– The township will be starting Zone 3 leaf collection on Monday, March 23rd. This is the second round of fall 2014 collection for Zone 3 because it was the first zone collected. Please be aware this is the last leaf collection until the fall.

– The township is planning to begin brush collection in April. More information can be found at

– Please note: SCOSA Annual Dues are due on or before March 31st.

– Our next SCOSA Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 7th at 7:30pm. If you are interested in attending please email the Board for location. All residents are welcome to attend.

 Please welcome our new families:

  • The Morrill Family, 46 Little Fawn Circle
  • The Robinson Family, 12 Moon Way



– Easter Egg Hunt is Sunday, March 29th at 2pm sharp! Please remember to bring a basket. We look forward to seeing you there!


– Mark the date for the Annual Shawnee Country Clean Up Day 

Saturday, April 25th 1 – 4pm. Come out and join fellow residents as we get our lake area spruced up for the season. We’ll be at the lake from 1 to 4pm. Whether you come for a little while or stay for the duration, your help will make a difference. Please bring your garden tools: metal rakes, leaf rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows etc. We will have water and cookies to keep us energized!


The SCOSA Board of Trustees — [email protected]

Check us out on the web at:

Like us on Facebook:

Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Clean Up Day

Spring Egg Hunt

Who:  All children and grandchildren of Shawnee Country are welcome

When:  Sunday, March 29th at 2PM

Where:  Shawnee Country Lake

What to bring: A basket to collect eggs

No need to RSVP, just join us at the lake.  The hunt will begin at 2PM sharp!

Hope to see you all there!!

Clean Up Day

Who:  Every one is welcome

When:  Saturday, April 25th 1-4pm

Where:  Shawnee Country Lake

What to bring: Landscaping and clean up tools (e.g. shovels, rakes, wheel barrows, etc.)

Fall Newsletter — 2014

Announcements & Reminders:

  •  Community Yard Sale is Saturday, September 20th, 8AM – 1PM. If you are interested in participating please email [email protected].
  • The Fall Brush Collection program began on September 2nd in Zone 5, which is now completed. Crews are proceeding to Zones 1 starting on Monday, September 8th. They will then move into Zones 2, 3, and 4. Residents in Zones 1 through 4 may put their brush out now. Shawnee Country is Zone 3.
  •  Fall Leaf Collection will begin in November by township zone. Leaves may only be placed roadside 7 days prior to a scheduled and announced collection.
  •  Please congratulate Mike Scully who has as agreed to serve as our new board president! Past president Lynne Finelli will continue to serve on the board. We thank her for her years of service as president.
  • Please welcome our new family:
    • The Bailey Family, 58 Valley Run
  • The Annual SCOSA General Membership Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 11th at 7:30pm at PJ Whelihan’s (Medford Lakes). All residents are encouraged to attend.


  • The Annual Block Party/Fishing Derby was a lot of fun! Thanks to all the residents who came out to enjoy time with your neighbors!

The SCOSA Board of Trustees — [email protected]

Mike Scully – President
David Bennis – Treasurer
Kristin Mulhern – Vice-President
Cheryl Tedesco – Secretary
Bettyann Adams
Sheila Lefkowitz
Lynne Finelli

Check us out on the web at:
Like us on Facebook:

Summer Newsletter — 2014

Announcements & Reminders:

The swimming lake is open for all of us to enjoy! Here are a few reminders to make the summer safer and more fun for all of us:

  • Safety equipment is located in the shed which is opened on a daily basis. The shed contains required life saving equipment FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY!
  • For safety reasons please do not leave your beach chairs, rafts and tubes at the lake. The sand toy bin is for everyone to enjoy. Please clean up the toys when you are done.
  • The lake is tested for bacteria every week. Results are posted in a binder located in the shed. Please remember to keep small children in swim diapers.
  • Please observe all posted safety rules and regulations for the lake:
    • No Lifeguard on duty, swim at your own risk
    • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
    • Do not litter. Please keep our beach clean
    • No glass on beach or play area
    • No dogs on the beach (Ord. N.J.A.C. 8:26)

Please welcome our new family:  The Collins Family, 34 Thunderhead Drive

The township has completed brush and leaf pick up until the Fall. Please do not place brush or leafs out for pick up or in open space.

Are you interested in getting more involved in Shawnee Country? The Shawnee Country Open Space Association has a Board of Trustees that oversee the association. The Board meets monthly to discuss topics such as open space maintenance, lake issues, budget updates and/or development improvements. Board members are expected to take on specific roles, tasks and duties throughout the year. In addition to the Board positions there is also a Lake Committee that is looking for members. This committee helps maintain the swimming and fishing lakes.

If you are interested in becoming more involved and would like more information on the roles and responsibilities of Board members or the Lake Committee please contact the Board at [email protected].


The Annual Block Party & Fishing Derby is scheduled for Saturday, September 6th. Watch for more information to come via email later this summer!


The SCOSA Board of Trustees — [email protected] 

Easter Egg Hunt


On Friday, April 11th,  SOCSA again hosted another successful Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  Parents, children and grandchildren who participated were fortunate that the rain predicted never showed up until later in the evening.

I arrived shortly before the hunt started and by my observation there must have been at least 2000 brightly colored eggs spread around the banks of both the swimming and fishing lakes.  (Guess the Easter chicken had a pretty busy day.)  At 6:00pm the hunt officially started and the young egg hunters took off scooping up the eggs with the same verocity as the deer in Shawnee Country attack the flowers we’ve planted.

IMGP0022cWithin an hour there was nary an egg to be found on the ground.  They had all been collected, and now were being opened in search of candy or prize tickets inside.  Those fortune enough to have prize tickets received chocolate bunnies and one grand prize of a giant chocolate bunny.

Our thanks to Mother Bunny, Lynn Finelli, and all the other assistant bunnies who helped.



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