Category Archives: Activities

Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Clean Up Day

Spring Egg Hunt

Who:  All children and grandchildren of Shawnee Country are welcome

When:  Sunday, March 29th at 2PM

Where:  Shawnee Country Lake

What to bring: A basket to collect eggs

No need to RSVP, just join us at the lake.  The hunt will begin at 2PM sharp!

Hope to see you all there!!

Clean Up Day

Who:  Every one is welcome

When:  Saturday, April 25th 1-4pm

Where:  Shawnee Country Lake

What to bring: Landscaping and clean up tools (e.g. shovels, rakes, wheel barrows, etc.)

Easter Egg Hunt


On Friday, April 11th,  SOCSA again hosted another successful Annual Easter Egg Hunt.  Parents, children and grandchildren who participated were fortunate that the rain predicted never showed up until later in the evening.

I arrived shortly before the hunt started and by my observation there must have been at least 2000 brightly colored eggs spread around the banks of both the swimming and fishing lakes.  (Guess the Easter chicken had a pretty busy day.)  At 6:00pm the hunt officially started and the young egg hunters took off scooping up the eggs with the same verocity as the deer in Shawnee Country attack the flowers we’ve planted.

IMGP0022cWithin an hour there was nary an egg to be found on the ground.  They had all been collected, and now were being opened in search of candy or prize tickets inside.  Those fortune enough to have prize tickets received chocolate bunnies and one grand prize of a giant chocolate bunny.

Our thanks to Mother Bunny, Lynn Finelli, and all the other assistant bunnies who helped.



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Upcoming Events

Spring is here, and it’s time to get active around the lake.

Clean Up Day – Saturday, May 3rd from 1 – 5pm

IMG_0046Help us to get the lakes ready for another summer.  Bring shovel or a rake, and join your neighbors at the lake.  You’ll have a good time and help the community.

Fishing Derby – Date to be determined

The date may change – Following clean up day is the popular Shawnee Country Fishing Derby.  All are invited, but only children (no adults) are allowed to fish.  Prizes for the 1st fish, most fish, and largest fish caught.

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