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Shawnee Country Swimming Lake Area Closed

Shawnee Country Residents,

We hope all our neighbors are doing well and staying safe and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic. We are very thankful for our friends and neighbors who are medical professionals and first responders that are on the front lines.

Similar to the Medford Township notifications, please note Shawnee Country recreational and open space areas will remain open for passive use that does not result in group gatherings. The playground equipment and picnic tables are closed as they are not being disinfected.

Stay safe & healthy,
Shawnee Country Board of Trustees

Shawnee Country Open Space Association Spring Newsletter

It is so nice that spring has arrived!!  Here are just a few announcements and reminders.


      • Did you know that April and May are high risk months for forest fires?  Here are a few fire safety tips from the NJ Forest Fire Service.  They recommend clearing at least 30 feet of space around home and structures, keep areas around electrical boxes free from leaves, maintain sensible fires in fire pits and practice safe grilling techniques.  For more information go to the following website:  
      • The township started Zone 3 brush collection on Monday, April 1st.  Please take advantage of this service to clean up brush.  Do not dump brush into open space.  More information regarding brush collection can be found at
      • Our Annual Clean-up weekend is May 4th and 5th.  We are asking for volunteers to help clean-up the open space area around the lakes.  More information to come. 
      • Reminder to all dog owners:  Please respect our open space and your neighbors by picking up after your dog.  Per Chapter 66 of the Medford Township Administrative Code, dog owners are required to remove their pet’s waste by placing it in a suitable bag and depositing it in the trash.

      • Reminder:  SCOSA Annual Dues were due on or before March 31st.   Payments can be mailed to SCOSA, P.O. Box 404, Medford, NJ 08055.
Shawnee Country Board of Trustees